Saturday, August 27, 2011

Outside Lands

August 12th-14th, Mark and I went to Outside Lands in Golden Gate Park.  I thought I'd post some pictures!  It was my first big music festival.  I went to a one-day festival in high school once with some friends, but this one was three days long and much bigger.  I feel fully versed in festival activity now.  The only thing I should've taken pictures of that I didn't was the food!  They had such good food there.  They focus on making it interesting, artistic, environmentally friendly.  I drank out of a coconut for the first time!  So here are some (maybe not altogether good) pictures of the bands we saw:

Foster the People


The Shins

Christina Perri

The Black Keys


Julieta Venegas

Little Dragon



And, since San Francisco gatherings are the best places to see interesting clothes and I LOVE clothes, I took lots of pictures of people's outfits.

Sweater love!

I especially like the boots on the right

For some reason, I want those shoes

She's what Mark likes to call a floozy

I especially like her skirt, but the whole outfit is fun :)

Those two girls were actually already officially getting their photos taken - I assume for their outfits.  I especially like the pink tank top.

Like her green jeans

Love the tights!

All right, so I'll leave you with those.  It was a fun weekend :)  We ended up wondering if we might be a bit too old for that kind of a music festival though.  We were exhausted.  And we kept forgetting to bring the flasks :)